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Your Roblox gaming sessions can be restricted in many places, like schools or work. Plus, the game (or certain experiences) can be blocked in countries like Jordan, China, and North Korea. A VPN can help, but it’s hard to find a reliable free one with enough data for gaming. My team and I tested


Mac računala postaju sve popularnija meta hakera. Već sam dugo obožavateljica kompanije Apple jer sam se oduvijek osjećala sigurnije koristeći njihove proizvode. No, kako je kompanija dobivala sve više korisnika, tako su hakeri počeli sve više i više ciljati korisnike Mac računala. Razmišljala sam


Mac menjadi target yang lebih populer bagi peretas. Saya sudah lama menjadi penggemar Apple karena saya selalu merasa lebih aman menggunakan produknya. Namun, karena perusahaan memperoleh lebih banyak pelanggan, peretas mulai terus menargetkan pengguna Mac. Saya berpikir untuk melindungi diri saya


A Mac számítógépek egyre inkább a hackerek által kedvelt célpontokká válnak. Régóta rajongok az Apple technológiájáért, mivel mindig nagyobb biztonságban éreztem magam az Apple termékekkel. Azonban, mivel az Apple platformjainak egyre több felhasználója van, a hackerek egyre gyakrabban célozzák meg


Mac-urile sunt o țintă tot mai populară pentru hackeri. Eu sunt fan Apple de mult timp, deoarece am simțit mereu că aceste produse îmi oferă o siguranță mai mare. Cu toate acestea, pe măsură ce această companie a devenit mai populară în rândul clienților, hackerii au început să atace din ce în ce


Macit joutuvat yhä useammin hakkereiden kohteeksi. Olen aina tykännyt Applen tuotteista, koska ne ovat jotenkin tuntuneet turvallisemmalta. Suosion lisääntyessä myös hakkerit ovat kuitenkin kääntäneet katseensa Mac-pohjaisiin hyökkäyksiin. Ajattelin, että voisin ladata jonkinlaisen suojauslisäosan


Mac компютрите стават все по-популярна цел за хакерите. Дългогодишен фен съм на Apple, защото винаги съм се чувствала по-сигурна, използвайки техните продукти. Фактът, че компанията печели все повече клиенти обаче, привлече вниманието на хакерите и те започнаха по-често да вземат на прицел


Τα Mac γίνονται συνεχώς όλο και πιο δημοφιλής στόχος για τους χάκερ. Εγώ λατρεύω την Apple επειδή πάντα ένιωθα μεγαλύτερη ασφάλεια όταν χρησιμοποιούσα τα προϊόντα της. Ωστόσο, καθώς η εταιρία αποκτά περισσότερους πελάτες, οι χάκερ έχουν αρχίσει να στοχεύουν τους χρήστες Mac όλο και περισσότερο.


أصبحت أجهزة ماك هدفًا متزايدًا للمخترقين. كنت من محبي أجهزة أبل لفترات طويلة لأنني كنت أشعر دائمًا بأمان أكبر عند استخدام منتجاتها. ولكن مع اكتساب الشركة وجذبها للمزيد من العملاء، بدأ المخترقون يستهدفون مستخدمي أجهزة ماك أكثر فأكثر. للأسف، امتدادات متصفح سفاري للشبكات الافتراضية الخاصة غير متاحة

TVNZ+ (formerly known as TVNZ OnDemand) hosts many gripping shows like My Kitchen Rules, The Walking Dead, and Wentworth. However, the service is restricted to New Zealand due to broadcasting licenses. Those without a New Zealand IP address won’t be able to use the platform. Hypothetically, a


לאחרונה מחשבי מק נהיו יעד התקפות של האקרים יותר מבעבר. אני משתמש ותיק של אפל, כי תמיד הרגשתי בטוח יותר עם המוצרים של החברה. אבל ככל שמספר הלקוחות שלה עלה, האקרים החלו להתמקד במשתמשי מק יותר ויותר. חשבתי להגן על עצמי עם תוסף דפדפן לספארי, אבל כמעט בלתי אפשרי למצוא כאלה. חוץ מזה, גיליתי שהם לא מגנים


Si les Mac ont la réputation d’être sécurisés, internet apporte forcément son lot de menaces. Le nombre de préoccupations de sécurité et de confidentialité est en augmentation, un VPN gratuit peut donc sembler être une solution idéale pour le budget. Cependant, choisir le mauvais VPN gratuit sur


Macs er ved at blive et mere populært mål for hackere. Jeg har længe været Apple-fan, da jeg altid har følt mig mere sikker med deres produkter. Men selvom selskabets har vundet flere kunder, er hackere begyndt at målrette Mac-brugere mere og mere. Jeg overvejede at beskytte mig selv med en


Mac-er har blitt et mer populært mål for hackere. Jeg har lenge vært en Apple-fan fordi jeg alltid har følt meg tryggere ved å bruke produktene deres. Men etter hvert som selskapet har fått flere kunder, har hackere begynt å målrette seg mer og mer mot Mac-brukere. Jeg tenkte på å beskytte meg selv

How to Keep Your Kids Safe

So many online child safety guides are filled with scary statistics, but don’t tell parents what they can actually do to protect kids online. This is why we came together, as a group of cybersecurity experts and parents, to create a practical playbook. Our guide is updated for 2024, and it's

VPN Apps for Android

The Android operating system powers countless devices these days, making it a prime target for hackers. That's why using a VPN on your Android device is so important. While premium VPNs offer advanced features and faster speeds, a reliable free Android VPN can still provide privacy and security and


Internet censorship is a major concern in Kazakhstan. Through state-controlled ISPs, the government can intercept your traffic, compromising your privacy and internet freedom. However, there’s an easy way to get a secure Kazakhstan IP address to protect your privacy while you browse, game, and

Viaplay is available only in several countries due to licensing limitations. Additionally, certain titles are limited to specific libraries, so it’s not possible to watch them even within supported regions. While you could technically use a VPN to stream Viaplay from outside the supported

A VPN is a great way to add privacy and security to your DraftKings sessions, which is a good idea if you’re making payments online. VPNs can also hide your online activity, letting you use the site even if it’s blocked on your local network (like at the office). To find the best VPNs for

Finding the right VPN service to use with TextNow can be challenging, particularly if you've encountered issues with logging in. Many VPNs can trigger security protocols that block access to the chatting service, causing frustration. Worse yet, some VPNs have been blocklisted on TextNow's network,

Our Latest Blog Posts

image with the windows logo and text presenting the best VPNs for Windows
Keira Waddell

我瞭解要找到適用於Windows、值得信賴的免費VPN有多麼困難。很遺憾,免費VPN市場到處都是陷阱和坑,可能讓用户資料面臨風險。而這透過嵌入惡意軟體或與未知第三方分享資料就可能做到。但是,我發現還是有一些可以信任的免費VPN。 我和我的團隊測試了70多款免費VPN,以找出適用於Windows、安全的最佳VPN。所有免費VPN都有

ExpressVPN Free Trial VPN Mentor
Keira Waddell

ExpressVPN 提供 7 天免費試用期服務,以便用戶試用它的所有功能。但這種服務只能透過移動裝置現有的 Apple App Store 或 Google Play 商店賬戶獲取。試用期間,用戶可測試 ExpressVPN 的速度、串流性能以及在 iOS、安卓和 PC 等各種裝置上的安全性。不過,7 天試用期恐怕不太足夠。 另一種選擇是透過 ExpressVPN 的 

2024年10大最佳免費VPN 推薦(安全下載應用程式)

雖然市面上有大量免費 VPN,但要找到安全可靠的免費服務並不容易。我見識過許多使用免費 VPN 的可怕後果。它們並不像聲稱那樣可以保護用家資料,反而會將資料出售給廣告商以牟利。安全性關過的 VPN 免費版亦有一定局限,比如有嚴格的流量限制、速度慢,因此基本上沒有太大用處。 我們團隊測試了 100