Organic ABT Disclosure text

vpnMentor 成立於 2014 年,旨在評測各種 VPN 服務和覆蓋私隱相關話題。如今,我們的團隊包含數百名網絡安全研究員、評論員和編輯。我們與 Kape Technologies PLC 攜手合作,持續捍衛廣大讀者的網絡自由。Kape Technologies PLC 旗下還有以下產品:ExpressVPN、CyberGhost、、Private Internet Access 和 Intego(本網站可能會評測這些產品)。vpnMentor 發佈的評測文章當中的資訊在文章發佈之日均準確無誤,並根據我們嚴格的評測標準撰寫而成。此標準包括評測人員的專業性和誠實性,同時關注產品的技術性能、品質以及對用家的商業價值。我們發佈的榜單和評測文章還可能會考慮到前述產品的共同所有權,以及用家透過網站連結購買產品時我們可獲取的聯盟傭金。我們不會評測所有 VPN 服務,並相信截至文章發佈之日,當中的資訊均準確無誤。

IPVanish VPN評論 2025年:為何獲得9.2星?

我們的評分: 9.2/10
18 款 VPN 中排名第 6th
Ren Sayer 更新於 2024-12-04 克里斯蒂娜·約翰森核查 Former Senior Writer

此VPN服務尚無評論。若您希望與該VPN提供商分享您的體驗,請以用戶身份提交評論。我們即將發佈詳細的專家評測,評測內容可參考我們對市面上頂級VPN(例如ExpressVPN CyberGhost)的測試結果。您也可以查閱我們的2025頂級VPN榜單

IPVanish VPN功能:更新於2025

💸 價格 2.19 USD/月
📆 退款保證 30 天
📝 記錄日誌
🖥 伺服器數量 2400+
🛡 銷毀開關
🗺 總部所在地 United States
📥 支援種子下載


2 年方案 Essential
$ 2.19 / 每月
年度方案 Essential
$ 3.33 / 每月
每月方案 Essential
$ 12.99 / 每月
退款保證(天): 30
每個許可證可連接的設備數量: Unlimited
Organic ABT Disclosure text
IPVanish VPN 用戶評價 (用戶評價未經驗證)
基於29 種語言的185條評論

撰寫對IPVanish VPN的評價

Please rate VPN.

所有 速度 串流影片 安全性 客戶服務
Beth Gray
Beth Gray
Misleading, false advertising, don't honor guarantee. BEWARE

IP address and region not effectively blocked on most sites. Streaming sites do NOT work with their services, but they do not disclose that anywhere on their website. The support team had no idea in terms of technical knowledge. They claim that their 30-day guarantee is unconditional and there is no risk, but they have so many exclusions buried in their fine print that the average user would have huge difficulty finding. They advertise on many streaming how-to websites where they KNOW their services do not work. COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY. If I could give less than one star I would. SO unethical.

Won't refund

Seems to have too many subscribers as we experienced significant buffering issues while streaming. We purchased a one-year subscription and after thirty days they would not refund our money. Very poor business ethics.

Unreliable Product, Poor Customer Service, and Unethical Business Practices

Customer service, and unethical business practices. There were IP leaks through their VPN connection from my Mac PC. The issue persists after their troubleshooting and resulted in repeated exposure of my personal and financial information. I’m a few months into my 2nd annual subscription. Despite the technical issues with their product and my investment in their troubleshooting process, they have repeatedly refused to refund the remainder of my annual subscription. I’m escalating to the BBB. ExpressVPN provides a much reliable product and engages in ethical business practices. BEWARE.

比較IPVanish VPN與頂級替代品牌
我們的評分: 9.9
我們的評分: 9.7
我們的評分: 9.5
我們的評分: 9.4
編者註:在為讀者推薦最佳 VPN 時,保持透明和公正對我們來說至關重要。本榜單中的部分業內領先品牌(包括 Intego、Private Internet Access、CyberGhost 及 ExpressVPN),均由我們的母公司 Kape Technologies 持有。我們透過全面、嚴格的測試流程選出這些表現優秀的 VPN。


Ren Sayer is a former writer for vpnMentor. Ren conducted research and performed VPN tests, specializing in creating in-depth guides to help readers make the most of their VPN’s features and capabilities.

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