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vpnMentor 成立於 2014 年,旨在評測各種 VPN 服務和覆蓋私隱相關話題。如今,我們的團隊包含數百名網絡安全研究員、評論員和編輯。我們與 Kape Technologies PLC 攜手合作,持續捍衛廣大讀者的網絡自由。Kape Technologies PLC 旗下還有以下產品:ExpressVPN、CyberGhost、、Private Internet Access 和 Intego(本網站可能會評測這些產品)。vpnMentor 發佈的評測文章當中的資訊在文章發佈之日均準確無誤,並根據我們嚴格的評測標準撰寫而成。此標準包括評測人員的專業性和誠實性,同時關注產品的技術性能、品質以及對用家的商業價值。我們發佈的榜單和評測文章還可能會考慮到前述產品的共同所有權,以及用家透過網站連結購買產品時我們可獲取的聯盟傭金。我們不會評測所有 VPN 服務,並相信截至文章發佈之日,當中的資訊均準確無誤。

VyprVPN評論 2025年:為何獲得9.0星?

我們的評分: 9.0/10
18 款 VPN 中排名第 11th
Andreea Juganaru 更新於 2024-12-03 Anneke van Aswegen核查 Former Senior Editor

此VPN服務尚無評論。若您希望與該VPN提供商分享您的體驗,請以用戶身份提交評論。我們即將發佈詳細的專家評測,評測內容可參考我們對市面上頂級VPN(例如ExpressVPN CyberGhost)的測試結果。您也可以查閱我們的2025頂級VPN榜單


💸 價格 3 USD/月
📆 退款保證 30 天
📝 記錄日誌
🖥 伺服器數量 700+
💻 每個許可證可連接的設備數量 5
🛡 銷毀開關
🗺 總部所在地 United States
📥 支援種子下載


24 Months
$ 3 / 每月
12 Months
$ 5 / 每月
1 Month
$ 10 / 每月
我們的評分: 9.9
我們的評分: 9.7
我們的評分: 9.5
我們的評分: 9.4
編者註:在為讀者推薦最佳 VPN 時,保持透明和公正對我們來說至關重要。本榜單中的部分業內領先品牌(包括 Intego、Private Internet Access、CyberGhost 及 ExpressVPN),均由我們的母公司 Kape Technologies 持有。我們透過全面、嚴格的測試流程選出這些表現優秀的 VPN。
退款保證(天): 30
每個許可證可連接的設備數量: 5

Watch the short video review and tutorial below of VyprVPN

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VyprVPN 用戶評價 (用戶評價未經驗證)
基於29 種語言的315條評論


Please rate VPN.

所有 速度 串流影片 安全性 客戶服務
David Troy
David Troy
I don't have time to...

The company behind VyprVPN, Goldenfrog claims to have taken steps to improve its reliability, security, and quality of service. I'm not sure when they said this, however, in 2022, reliability and QoS are going downhill quickly. I've been using Vypr for over a year with the software installed and executing on each PC. Everything worked relatively well until about three months ago when I began experiencing frequent and intermittent connectivity issues. Thinking that my 10-year-old router might be the cause, I installed a new TPLink router with all the latest technology After many hours of side-by-side testing with two computers on the same LAN, I have observed that a PC with the VPN turned off had 100% connectivity while a PC using Vypr had the issues. I have adjusted Vypr to use various protocols and TAP adaptors with no success in improving the QoS. As such, I'm convinced that my PCs and LAN are operating as they should. Further, from the beginning, I configured Vypr to always connect to a server in Canada. Every time I boot my PC I use "" to make sure that the PC is operating through the Vypr. About half the time it connects to a server in the USA and yet the software says that it is connected to Canada. I use a couple of business online services with geolocation services that require a Canada connection so I also know when Vypr connects to the USA when I am blocked from logging in to one of the business services. IT's really annoying when the software says it's connected to Canada and yet it is not. The biggest annoyance is that I now find I have to check my external IP every time I boot a device. Why should I have to do this? I've used other VPNs and they just worked all the time. I never had to keep checking them to make sure they are working correctly. I've also done security testing to make sure there are no IP or DNS leaks or any other issues and it appears that Vypr lives up to its reputation of being secure. If the service would operate consistently so that I don't have to always check it or disconnect and reconnect to force a Canada server, I could give Vypr 5 stars. Overall it's not a bad service, however, if the QoS continues to degrade, I may be forced to go back to one of the other VPNs that I've used. I don't have time to "handhold" VyprVPN.

WD Armstrong
WD Armstrong
Tech support not much help when PC app failed

I've been using VyprVPN for a year. For the most part, I'm pleased with it. Internet speed loss because of the VPN overhead is typically no more than 10%. I'm OK with that. I can connect to any of the global servers quite easily. While I like using the Chameleon protocol, what they don't tell you is that it does not work in all countries. Canada is one where Chameleon is not supported. I'm not sure what that is but in my mind that smacks of misleading advertising when they promote their own security protocol and don't tell you there are restrictions. After three months of service, the installed app stopped working after a Windows update. After 4 days of no service, I contacted tech support. They suggested there was a problem with my PC. Yeah, right. It was a year-old powerhouse Dell with all kinds of security. My PC was fine. Then they said I should reinstall. I had already done that 4 times but to humor them, I did it again. No joy. I asked if they had a detailed manual process to eliminate all traces of Vypr before another install and they didn't know what I was talking about. Sheesh, when I was a tech at HP, we had a process to totally eliminate all traces of HP software and had to do it because the HP engineers did a terrible job on the uninstall application. I digress. At that point, I was told that they had no other complaints after the Windows update and that I'd have to setup Vypr manually and launch it manually each time I booted the PC. I was greatly annoyed at this "cop-out", but did it as I had wasted too much time already. For four months I restarted the software manually. Then one day I decided to uninstall and do a detailed cleaning of my system then reinstall. Voila! It worked again! Of course, there had been a few more Windows updates in those months. My conclusion is that the tech support knew there was an issue but did not want to admit it so I was inconvenienced for a few months. At least the software auto starts again. My three stars reflect the less than impressive tech support.

Issues with Outlook Outgoing email.

Been a VyperVPN user for multiple years(5-6 years), but the last 1 to 3 months, While connected to ANY US or international servers Outlook is unable to send an outbound email. ERROR is RBL restriction: Blacklisted by internal Reputation service (there follow multiple IP addresses listed, right now the IP is But there have been several other IPs listed. I have worked with Tech support to resolve it but all suggestions have failed. One tech suggested changing my ISP, ??? It has only affected OUTGOING. incoming is good. One tech said, "Yeah, we know about the blacklist, and are working on it. 2 days later it was working, only to fail the same day with the same error. As soon as I disconnect my VPN it sends without ANY issue.


Andreea Juganaru is a former senior editor for vpnMentor. She used her extensive knowledge in cybersecurity to research and analyze ways our readers can protect their online privacy.

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